My Dearest Lemongrass Essential Oil, |
I’ve been holding back my feelings for some time, but I can’t stay silent any longer. I must tell you…I love you! Your enticing aroma, your exotic origins, and your relaxing presence all make me fall... (Read More)
We get it—some days you lose control of your chill: Road construction makes your car clanky, interrupted sleep makes you cranky, and in-law drama makes you crazy. No matter what is challenging your chill, fight back with calm-me-down aromas.
If... (Read More)
When was the last time you spent some time outdoors? Not simply walking to or from the parking lot to your car or front door, either. Research shows that outdoor activity is important to overall health and wellness.
It's gotten very easy to sit... (Read More)
Do you remember ninth grade biology class? The pungent smell of formaldehyde filling the air as you performed the public school ritual of frog dissection? Did you know that many popular personal care products list formaldehyde as an ingredient or... (Read More)
Whether you’re pushing through the Monday blues or brimming with glee on Friday Eve (aka Thursday), embrace every day surrounded by one of nature’s greatest luxuries—essential oils! We’ve got an oil for each day of the week, so you can start... (Read More)
When it’s time to unwind after a long day, or if you need to buckle down for a project in a relaxing environment, look no further than Vetiver essential oil. Vetiver oil provides a sweet, woody aroma that can be applied topically or diffused to... (Read More)
Are you prepared for winter? Ready or not, here it comes! With chilly days and unpredictable weather on the way, it’s important to do everything you can to make sure that everyone in your house makes healthy choices to maintain their health.
To... (Read More)
Oh, peppy, perfect Peppermint - how we adore you! Peppermint essential oil, one of the most recognizable and well-rounded of all the essential oils, is (no exaggeration intended) life-changing! When used sunup to sundown, in crisp diffuser blends in... (Read More)
When the cold weather has creeps in during the fall and winter months, many of us look forward to warm comfort food and a cozy mug full of something sweet.
If you're wondering whether Young Living Essential Oils can be used in your favorite hot... (Read More)